Dark brown hair w/red highlights to medium blonde? - warren tricomi
I go to my hairdresser for years and recently the result was not so good. I asked: "Red" and said he knew what I needed, but they are red fire. Now, a month later, I am disgusted w / my hair, and I want to go medium-blond. I went to three shows in New York for a consultation, Louis Licari, Teewell and Warren Tricomi. W / clear name, 2 of 3 said NO. She did. I will always starting at Bumble and Bumble and Frederic Fekkai go get 2 more opinions. I am very healthy and thick hair. I know the consequences. Am I crazy to do this? Does it kill my hair? The 2 who said he did not say that the color red is more difficult to fade out ... Ideas?
Warren Tricomi Dark Brown Hair W/red Highlights To Medium Blonde?
7:27 AM
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