Bank Bad Debts How Much Of The Credit/banking Bad Debt Is Bad Debt Versus Bank Generated Fees?

How much of the credit/banking bad debt is bad debt versus bank generated fees? - bank bad debts

I said yesterday that many people just "off" its debt, and a list of the five biggest U.S. banks, their reserves against the debt owed them. Most of the missing form the reserves to cover everything.

But how much of that debt is debt free with them real and how much are the fees to make real headway in the corporate credit card complaints and / or banks, the books have been received? For late payment of limiting spending, raised interest rates by default? Add them all. I have never heard the media experts on this aspect of the credit crisis to be discussed.

I think the credit laws are much less strict in the United States will wear them in the UK, the law, in particular. Perhaps one reason for the credit crisis seems worse than the United States in some other countries made.


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